Visual identity and digital design from a renowned design agency

Your visual identity is your DNA

An elegant visual identity is the key to a successful design, which tells the story of your company. It makes your company recognizable for customers, business partners, and employees.


Let us help you create or redesign your visual identity.

dygtig art director kreativ og kompetent

The challenge of creating a lasting visual identity

jesper designer

How we work with visual identity and design

We have a straight forward process when we help you create a new visual identity or bringing your old one back to life.


When we work on your visual identity you are always involved. You know every detail of your business and its values. The great visual identity takes form when you combine your business knowledge with our specialist’s design knowledge.


Our digital designers guide you through the process with questions and solutions, so we create the right visual identity step-by-step.

After our initial workshops, we create the finished visual identity and after your approval, we will apply it to web design, brochures, and all your other graphical appearances.


Begin your digital journey with Morningtrain.

The Usual Suspects

The most popular tasks within visual identity

Logo icon til visuel identitet opgaver


Based on your company DNA we will create a matching logo.


Colours and fonts

Ikon til digitalt design som er en opgave i

Digital design

Ikon til tryksager opgave inden for visuel identitet

Printed material

The crafted design manual can be adapted to etc. brochures.

Visual identity designed by nordic designers

3 important considerations


Are you considering a new visual identity for your company?

Do you think it could be exciting to work with us on your new visual identity? We hope you do!

Feel free to write and call Jesper, and tell him about your thoughts.

No strings attached - we're looking forward to hearing from you.

Visual Identity
Contact Jesper Martinussen