Technical onsite SEO

The main purpose of technical onsite SEO is to ensure that Google indexes and understands your website optimally. Technical SEO has 3 important components: "indexing", "user experience" and "tags that increase Google's understanding of your website".

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Technical onsite SEO is about Google's ability to understand your website

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How we do technical onsite SEO

We always begin our technical onsite SEO with a thorough analysis of your website, where we map the technical errors and find the needed improvements. We then make an action plan, where we handle the errors that have the highest impact on your keyword rankings first. Our assessment is based on our experience and findings from other established agencies.


We might not necessarily recommend fixing all of the mistakes that affect your keywords rankings, as we only recommend SEO tasks that will improve your Google ranking significantly.

So, what is it about?

The primary technical SEO tasks


Google uses HTML-tags to collect extra information about a landing page. We ensure that the right tags are placed the right places. Examples of tags include page titles, meta descriptions, alt-texts (pictures), h-tags (headlines), etc.

Structured data

By using Schema Markup, also known as structured data, we mark the information bits on the landing page that are the most important. Structured data can also be used to display rich snippets in the search results, where your potential website visitors can read the most important information when they are looking for your services.

Internal linking and menu structure

We always make sure that your website has an optimal internal linking and menu structure so Google understands which parts of your website are the most important. With that understanding, Google can optimize the content you want to show to your website’s visitors.

Indexing, language and boilerplate content

With technical SEO you are in charge of what Google indexes. You can etc. easily signal where an English, French or German version of a specific document is.

Technical SEO
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Technical SEO

"Great at delivering
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Jannik Meier Sørensen

CMO at WeCoverYou
5 out of 5 stars


More Online Orders


Increased Organic Revenue


Increased Conversion Rate

Nordic SEO specialists

All of our SEO specialists are located at our HQ in Odense, and we never outsource an assignment. We believe it is critical that the same team handles your project from the initial meeting throughout our long-lasting partnership.

Furthermore, you will always have the option to get in direct contact with your SEO team either on phone or mail.

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How not to lose 90% of your website traffic when launching

Today, we see many re-launches of websites and webshops that end horribly, as they lose most of their organic traffic after the website launch.

It occurs because many web-designers and web-developers are not familiar with technical SEO, but only know how to develop a pretty website.


A website that does not include correctly implemented technical SEO could potentially cost you 90% of your organic website traffic, especially if Google stops ranking your important product/services.

We have saved many large companies from massive yearly revenue losses due to loss of rankings by assisting them in the critical phases before website launch.

Contact Thomas for help

3 important technical SEO tips


Would you like assistance with technical SEO?

We do technical onsite SEO for all of our SEO clients, but we have room for more.

Do you want to know how you will benefit from technical SEO?

Reach out to our Digital business developer Mathias with your questions and you can experience how we can help you.

We can't wait to hear from you!

Technical Onsite SEO
Contact Mathias Mide